carolyns square

About Me

This is the page about me duh.

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heres me

where I grew up,  greenwood sc where I went to school, merry mixers square dance class! ( im now a graduate) various places I've lived my house always. I  I enjoy SQUARE DANCING  and  line dancing singin'. watchin' days of our lives ncis  garfield csi and writing storys bout the shows I also like house and dark angel csi and csi ny and chowder I write about them too. I enjoy walks in nature promenading with waylon  carpet golf. FORE! and music.



I dont like spiders and snakes or carolina gamecocks or people who make other people hurt( like james  did) abuse of animals or school bullies or or terrorists like the saying a dead bug is a good bug a dead terrorist is a good terrorist. i like meeting people from other countrys just not crooks and terrorists. i also would like to meet some of the actors an actresses on my fave shows and also my favorite artists!

lava light animated Pictures, Images and Photos

me nad my bff jan notice the same

heres mee!
